Welcome to the DC Policy Shop Blog Launch

Policy, Not Politics.
Today we welcome you to the launch of the DC Policy Shop Blog! As such, we thought it would be good to let folks know what we’re all about. At the DC Policy Shop Blog, you’ll find articles on how to engage in effective, ethical lobbying. In addition, we’ll have interviews with policy pros, journalists, and wonks alike with tips on working with Congress and the Administration. Check out the DC Policy Shop Manifesto to see for yourself our core principles and what we stand for.
While there’s lots for seasoned policy wonks, we wanted to have a platform where those new to the policy game could get a grasp on how to effectively exercise your First Amendment right communicate with your government. And we know that reaching out to journalists and the Hill can be a daunting task, especially for folks new to working with the DC policy crowd. Hopefully we’ll dispel some confusion, give some helpful tips, and have a place where you can ask questions and have them answered by real pros.
Making Advocacy More Effective
Of course DC Policy Shop is first and foremost a serious tool for policy pros. It’s a searchable online advocacy platform that will help you get your policy videos and docs noticed both on Capitol Hill and the journalists that cover our nation’s key policy issues. And it’s been created specifically for businesses, government relations pros, trade associations, think tanks and law firms by people who’ve worked in the public policy sphere for over two decades. Can you find a:
** Cost-effective tool to manage coalitions and multiple clients, giving each their own professional, secure web presence? Absolutely.
** Central location for all your policy videos and documents? Positively.
** Version control for documents, so journalists and the Hill always have the freshest information? Totally.
It’s built by wonks, for wonks.
We’re gearing up to launch soon, so now’s the time to join our Early Access group. Just go the the main page to sign up and let us know how to get in touch with you.
We want your suggestions for topics on the DC Policy Shop Blog you’d like to see covered, or people you’d like to hear interviews with. Let me know (Info @ DCPolicyShop.com) and we’ll get it done!
Marc-Anthony (M.A.) Signorino